Monday, September 5, 2011

Lights Out

((Ever seen a cloud with a shadow... in the sky? I know I haven't... Until now, of course. Took the photo myself, it is in no way photoshoped, I assure you.))

Sorry folks. I've been having trouble posting to Blogger lately so entries I meant to post, never made it up. Honestly I'm kinda glad 'cause while I found some comedy in my time spent in the dark after Hurricane Irene, I find myself lucky & have nothing to complain about when it come to others whose homes have been destroyed by recent floods, tornadoes, and fires.

So in short- My power went off after Irene blew through and stayed off for an entire week, for unknown reasons. It took a crew from Iowa & North Carolina to get us back online and I am thankful for lights and a good hot shower.

((This was the only real damage in my neighborhood, thankfully no one was hurt, but there is still some cleanup to be finished))

Otherwise nothing has really been going on. Novel progress is going at a snails pace still, but I'm trying not to get discouraged... Luckily there are people out there who are supportive and its little gestures like this that make my day and keep me working:


Thanks Sinsyne. (To see more of her art go here)

Oh yes, and I've decided not to post about my research trip because honestly... I don't have much to say. So, I'll share some of my photos instead (some random and some that may hint towards events in Volume 2, if I ever get to it)
Sorry the pictures are kind of all over the place I'm still not sure how to get them to line up accordingly.
