Wednesday, February 20, 2013

First post of 2013

To those who celebrated it: Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Gong Hey Fat Choy)
Happy Year of the snake

During a semi-recent trip to Washington D.C. I happened upon an art installment beneath/within the Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden entitled Circle of Animals/ Zodiac Heads by Ai Wei Wei (please correct me if that is wrong). Perfect for the celebration of the Chinese New Year.
Not exactly the best picture but you can see how the busts were arranged in a circle, almost like a zodiac clock. The amount of detail in each head was pretty spectacular. Unfortunately my picture of the horse didn't come out (the sun bleached it out of the picture) and I seem to be missing one of the rat. Sorry horse & rat friends.

Hopefully this exhibit will be open a while longer so more people can go take a look, so if you're in the D.C area, why not stop by the National Mall? If not for this exhibit than any of the other fabulous art displays, monuments or museums that are open free to the public. 

I kind of wish I had posted this sooner but I was purposely holding off on doing so. I wanted to give people time to read my last post & the story within but even going past the scheduled month release, I find that the people who promised they would read it, never will. I can't help be a little resentful toward them since most of those people are friends and family, but I suppose I can't be too upset. Imagine my surprise when someone who just happened upon an another post I made about the release of chapter one, elsewhere, got back to me with a review. I am very thankful to them, even though some of their remarks escaped my understanding (I admit here and now, I am not too smart). So, despite my discouragement from those closest to me, perhaps this means there's still a chance for me?
I will continue to soldier on, keep writing/ editing and try to ignore the constant wonder of why. I have much to consider and more to think about, from what I do understand of the review, so on I go with re-writing, re-shaping and reinvigorating my story with hopes that another time around might be the charm.

Interested on reading my first chapter (before the retooling, after?) let me know.
P.S.- While in D.C- Guess where I got to stop? I'm not a huge fan of cupcakes but they weren't too bad. What made it all the better though is the group I was with, with myself included, were all dressed up (suits and dresses) from a function we had just been at, so it appeared as though we'd gotten all gussied up just to get some cupcakes. The wait on line to get in was pretty quick though it was a tight fit once we got inside, not to mention finding parking was fairly troublesome with the garage across the way full. Got a cupcake reindeer sticker along with my cupcakes and someone else got a colorful cupcake mug with theirs).