Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chapter Titles; Alternate Universes; Allegories & More

((This is still how I'm feeling, take it as you will...))
((Note- The picture was taken by me and this hatchling's momma was not happy to have me standing beneath her baby taking pictures >_<))

Slowly but surely I'm coming off my hiatus though I'm still not feeling 100% with my writing. While I've gotten past the area that had been irking me so badly, I still find myself with lacking support and with more questions than I do answers, which could put me at ease. As troubling as it all might be, I've had some time to think and while I don't plan on giving my chapters titles, I'd have to say this latest chapter (which is three shortened to one) would/should be called "Cursed". It's an ironic yet good fit.

The only other chapter that I have given a "title" to takes place earlier on in the story & introduces one of the secondary main characters. Just always felt "The Wolf in Woman's Clothing" was a very apropos, if not comical name for it, if one needed to be given. But that's me. ^_^'''

Another thought that bided my time over this hiatus (and even a few before it) was: "What would my characters be like if they were placed in another setting/ an alternate universe?"
The responce to this question comes in many forms. While the real story takes place in a Medieval/Renaissance styled era, my characters have found themselves put in settings that vary from anime/school life/slice of life (a few times with a bit of magic); an alien invasion (on earth); a western; to even modern day (or something like it), where I realised how easily my novel can be an allegory for such things as the military and medicare, if I really put some thought into it. I won't, however, for several reasons including the fact that I just don't want to go there. I have my plans/ ideas and I'm sticking to them. mmyup. Keeping it more light-hearted that way.
None the less its always interesting to see what positions my characters take in these settings and how they react to their given circumstances.
((There was a doodle I was going to post of one of my chars dressed in military fatigues here but the scanner I borrowed no longer wants to scan and digital imaging with a camera is not an option... oooh the horrid blurr & shadows >_< so maybe another time... maybe))

Otherwise that's how things are standing, I guess. It's been suggested to me that I should really start looking into self publishing but at the moment I think I'm a little too self conscious for that.
In due time however I'm sure I'll come around...

Just gotta keep editing; figure out the best title for the novel(s); decide if the first book will remain as a whole rather than be split in two; and choose what the cover art will be (something simple or something more complex/detailed)

Any ideas?

oh and maybe work on the tag/synopsis/ pitch a little more.

Till next time folks...

(P.S. if any previous posts have disapeared... I'm having issues with Blogger right now)

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