Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's been a while...

           ((Bored over holiday, went for a walk on the Brooklyn Bridge, first time ever!))

My, Blogger has certainly changed since I've been away... and I bet it will change again by my next, long un-awaited, post. The reason for my absence is unimportant, but I'll leave it as I have with my last posts: There's not much to report on. Thing haven't been going as I would like and it's hampering my ability to write/ edit. I still try but when I've been on the same paragraph for over a month I'm left to wonder why I keep trying, why is this so important to me? Why don't I just give up? No one has shown any interest and just when I thought I found someone literate, someone who likes to read, they shoot me down with ('scuse the language) "I don't like that fictional, fantasy crap." Yes it's a personal opinion that I should not hold to heart, but when I have so few people I can talk books, reading, writing, etc to, it kinda leaves me in a lonely slump. Then the longer I wait the more I see other books/comics/etc take on what I had wanted to (better than I could ever have) and I find myself deeper in the writing doldrums. My writing is nothing special, nothing new. SO... why do I even try. Why do I torture myself and keep going. Reading the same paragraph over and over and over? I don't know that answer to that, only... that I have to. It just means that much to me. I've been thinking about getting a word press account or even sticking around here and just posting chapters, seeing if maybe someone accidentally finds me and takes interest and see where that goes, but I remain hesitant to act upon it. My fears are always there nibbling at the back of my mind that my work will be hated, berated and trolled upon and at worst, stolen. Nothing is safe on the Internet. Well, one must take their chances right? So, we shall see...
((A look into the setting I & my characters have been stuck in for the past month -picture taken by me-))

Fan Art: ((Art Trades from a while ago I thought I should post))
((Gaillen By Jacinta Maggie- More art here))
((The group by Goku Chan- More art here)) ((just a minor critique- rotate eye colors clockwise & add Dru's scars))

Till next time folks....

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