Friday, August 31, 2012

Under Construction....

It's been a long while since I last posted and though I said this last post, or perhaps the post before, man... blogger has REALLY changed. I'm still trying to figure things out and in doing so I've decided to take the Nooler Blog in another direction.

While I truly wanted to keep the blog based solely on my writing... I see there is no way to keep it alive with my present pace. I'd like to keep it alive with hopes that I will have something positive to report on my endeavors and until that time comes I'll be posting about random things I've been getting myself into, from research trips to random outings meant to keep myself busy during down time. I may go back and post more pics from my time in Italy but for now I'll stick with my most recent activities.

I suppose I'll start here:
About 45 min or so from my house there is a public park that also has a pool and an animal preserve. I and many others had no idea it even existed 'till we were told about it by a co-worker, so I decided to pay the place a visit because, well, I was curious and... I love animals. The park itself was huge, there were swings and play sets for kids with a large picnic/party area, and I can only imagine how big the pool was (it was behind a brick wall) but the animal park, as large as it was, was lacking. The pens seemed far too small for the animals and many of them seem stressed and sickly. The park/preserve is free yet the place was nearly abandoned, which was sad since they run on donations, but nice because there weren't huge crowds to squish you in.
The animals they had were the usual fare:

and then there were other critters: (Of which I couldn't get good pictures) Bald Eagles, Hawks, Chickens, Owls, A black Bear (N/A), A buffalo (N/A), Red Fox, Turkey, Cow, White Tail Deer (N/A), horses, Budgies, Bunnies, Peacock/hens, I forgot what the oddest of the lot was called...
BTW: This is what the back of a peacock looks like:
A pony I thought looked like a moose:
and lots of bird houses for whichever birds would like to call them home:

And that will be all from me for now. I have a few more posts planned and with another research trip coming up I hope to be able to share each exciting day from while I'm down under.

till next time folks ~

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