Sunday, September 2, 2012

A True Blue New Yorker

I don't really know who stated it but they say you're not a real New Yorker until you've seen the Yankees play (home). Now, I'm honestly not a sports fan but a week or so ago I managed to score tickets to a Yankees vs Texas Rangers (?) game as part of a promotion via a local gas station and decided to go.  Now, again, sports just aren't my thing and frankly, I could care less who is playing or how they are playing so long as everyone I'm with is having a good, safe, time. And when it comes to the venomous rivalries between teams & their fans, I'm on the outside looking in, wishing people could just settle down and enjoy themselves peacefully instead of the inappropriate behavior that had many parents removing their kids from our section when a group of fans got a little overzealous (and alot'a drunk). ps: good on the beer vendor who refused them when he saw what was happening.

Either way we got to the stadium early, went through security, picked up a nice promo beach mats (that seriously stinks like puke) & walked around for a bit. We wanted to check out the museums but one was closed and the other had a line far too long than any of us wanted to wait on. So we decided to get food. The restaurants were packed so we stuck with the kiosk vendors and of course the meal was more expensive than the food was worth (no lettus or tomato on a $7 chicken patty, really?)
Then it started to rain.
and it rained
and it rained
and it rained some more
By this time we had taken our seats which were located in the highest level under a nice over hang, yet even still, we got soaked. You'd think when they built the new stadium... they would have made sure the roof didn't leak. But, alas, drop by drop I was reminded "Hey! Hey! Hey! Guess what! It's still raining!"
Eventually by 9pm the rain let up enough that they started the game:
& For those who care, I'm pretty sure by the 5th inning the yanks had won 6:3 but I was too busy finishing off Brian Jacques' Redwall to really care.
Those poor officers had to stand out on the Field the whole time it rained
Real fans don't care about a "little" rain.
Our view before the stadium filled up. Did you know they also use the field for soccer?


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