Saturday, September 8, 2012

Highland Games: part 2

Blogger was giving me a few issues uploading pictures so I figured I might as well make this two posts since it really is image heavy.

Back to business!
One of the events I was looking forward to seeing during the Highland Games was the sheep herding demonstration. Alas, the weather got pretty brutal and as it neared time for the demo to start, for the sake of the animals, the event was canceled (or so I was told).
Luckily however I was able to catch the dogs running the agility course earlier that morning before the dogs went on a permanent break for the day.
(One of the happiest looking dogs I think I have ever seen)
Of course there was a petting zoo and pony rides, even a Scottish dog rescue/adoption group, but what I wasn't expecting to see was the avian/raptor rescue group situated across from the agility course. That is where I spent most of the morning and in the end... I got to pet an owl... AN OWL! (I do not recommend petting wild owls, the one I was allowed to pet was hand reared by humans, which you should also not do, and therefore- in the words of the keeper- "thinks she's people" and had no problem being handled by strangers).
The keepers educated the crowd about the various raptor species and how their sanctuaries obtained them, and told us about falconry from back in the day and how folks who couldn't afford or own falcons would seek out and use other birds to fetch their prey.
(Startled by one of the larger raptors)
(This Barred owl was very photogenic, she was also the hand reared one I got to pet. So soft.)
(Whenever this juvenile eagle got angry the ruff on the top of its head would bristle up like a Mohawk)
                (See the Screech Owl sleeping in the grass there?)
(I almost didn't)
(Not sure if I ever mentioned this before but the Kestrel was an inspiration for a group of characters in my novel)
There was also a classic/antique car show going on at the main estate house which was giving tours throughout the day. The line for the tour was extremely long but it got alot of people to go to the car show.
(Yes, there is a sword on the hood of that car)
Well that's all from me on the Highland Games. If you ever have one pop up near you, I recomend stopping by. I know I will when it comes back around next year.

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