Sunday, February 20, 2011

Enter Title Here

((Ah, spring is in the air... despite the forecast for snow tomorrow, after a day of 60+ deg.F weather, there is no turning back till the end of the new year.))

I honestly must admit that this is an impromptu blog post. I have nothing really special to write about though I have a few minor topics now on my mind.

I recently had a phone consultation with one of the Book DR's from Pitchapalooza which I feel went fairly well. I got some good insight and help on how to spruce up my pitch letter, but work on that can wait till after I've fixed up the novel itself. The biggest item which had been pointed out was characterization of my main "villain". He seems to be too vague at the moment but since he doesn't make an appearance for a while yet I still have some time to figure what makes him more of a man than a mere figure head.

Otherwise editing is going slow. While planning ahead for the future of my novel excites me, where I am now in editing leaves me at a loss. Due to changes I've made I found myself stuck within ch 29 with no where to turn and in my mess I discovered that things I had been surrounding myself with had been harming my cause rather than helping. Troubles at work, marathoning a mind numbing tv show and reading a book I was not enjoying are and were a recipe for disaster. But now that I have finished that show and picked up something I enjoy reading more, editing has come a little easier and things are finally piecing back together after being so horribly broken.

I think at this pace I may finish ch 29 by the end of the week. *crosses fingers*
And then the fun stuff will finally begin!

Now for something random/ a sample of my writing (which may or may not get edited in the future).
Often I have very odd but interesting dreams. When that happens I usually write them down for use in future stories. Last night however I had a dream in which I could never use due to the fact it was based on a copyrighted idea. I have no idea why Sherlock Holmes would grace my waking dreams but that was how it was. (Thus the reason I woke with an urge to watch Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes as noted on my twitter.)

The dream went a little something like this: (the woman had no name)

London, year 18XX

Earlier that morning Watson and Holmes had gotten into a tiff of sorts that resulted in the team making a bet that for just one day, a full 24 hours, Holmes wouldn't be so "Holmes-y". That he would just for once try to be average and not so... above average. Of course Holmes denied such a claim. If anything he breathed, dressed, ate and drank like the best of the average blokes out in the dingy London streets but to humor Watson he accepted his companions wager and was left to his means.
Things were easy going at first for being alone in his loft was easy enough. He slept, smoke, read the paper and then she showed up.
Lead in by the landlady she was dressed in the finest, her dress a purple hue and her brown hair done up in a bun with ringlets framing her face.
"Sherlock Holmes I presume..." She spoke as a school teacher would a child and slowly Holmes lifted himself up from his lounge as she continued. "Your name comes to me with great recommendation, from a great many." She stepped further into the room from the doorway, her gaze remained steadfast and unconvinced as she gazed upon him and his mess of living space.
"Does it..." Holmes replied, eyeing her, picking out bits and pieces of her person from how she adorned and addressed herself physically. Make up, wedding ring, broach, hair, strict stance with feet pointed straight ahead, everything pointed to something.
"Indeed." She replied. "I believe I may have a case for you... however..." She turned each cheek before returning her skeptical gaze back to Holmes. "I remain unconvinced of the claims surrounding your name and your powers of deduction."
"I assure you Misses..." He began, halting as a sly smirk crossed her lips and Watson's words echoed in his mind.
'Be Average'
"One slip" He thought "Surely that can be overlooked."
"Misses? Why Mr. Holmes I have not yet introduced myself. Do I appear so matronly that you would immediately assume that I am wed?"
Holmes eyed her and held his tongue.
"Well... I..." He stammered, glancing aside with a grimace. "How a lovely creature such as yourself could not be..."
Again the woman seemed unamused by what she witnessed and pressed on so as not to waste either or their time.
"Either way, Mr. Holmes, and you were correct in your assumption that I am indeed wed, I have brought with me evidence from my case..." From a bag held firmly at her side she pulled out a porcelain plate, french in style with a form and shape that could only be dated from XXXX by the late artist XXXX. The piece was fascinating, incredible and quickly Holmes' eyes were drawn to the intricate details; cracks in the glaze, the color and intricate line of the design along the border, the imagery within the center of a female field worker in a blue dress. How she could so frivolously pull such a piece from a bag as if it were nothing more than a baguette bought at the corner bakers shop, he could just barely deduce, just barely. This piece meant little to her but why and what its significance...
"Mr. Holmes!" Her voice rang loudly and swiftly he looked up to her realizing he'd nearly lost himself again. Drooling over an artifact as a common man might over the buxom bosom of a street walker, yet his interest seemed to have caught her in the right way and she forgave him by asking "What do you deduce from this piece."
Again his eyes strayed and just as he was ready to speak of money, import and business Watson's words caught him in a net or triviality. Dare he prove himself and gain a case, loosing him his bet or dare he do the unthinkable and play the average man's game, giving in to petty pride while loosing both an intriguing case and another commendation. There had to be a way around it.
"What-do-you-see, Mr. Holmes?" Her patience were running thin and as Watson's words again rung in his mind, he spoke as he felt an average man, like Watson, might speak.
"What I see is a woman in a blue dress."

-and that's where the dream ended-

Ok, yes I did add a little there and yes it is quite lame (When I told someone of the dream they just stared at me blankly) but it was a fun scenario, so I went with it ^_^'' None the less I think I will leave anything to do with Sherlock Holmes to the proper professionals...

Now time for sleep because I'm already half way there!

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