Thursday, November 17, 2011

Deliberation- To Self Publish or Not to Self Pubblish

((Just a little look into the traffic I sit in everyday. Sorry it's not a great pic, took it with my cell phone & there was nothing better to post.))

So I've been thinking really hard lately on what I want to do about my novel. I've been looking into finding myself a Literary Agent, but so far I have come up empty or disappointed with my findings. The suggestion of "why not self publish?" seems to be coming up more and more often lately and I feel myself slowly turning to the side of giving in to temptation. I had been told many times that if you self publish the chances of being picked up by an actual publisher are slim but I have heard great tales of those who have succeeded through self publishing and been picked up by a major publishing house. I think the young man who wrote Eragon would be one example, correct me if I am wrong. But in that comes my concerns.

1) What can I do to promote myself?
Social Networking sites. That is the key, or so I've been told, yet I see my twitter page and the sparse number of followers and wonder, gee is this really supposed to help? (though I do get helpful/interesting links from time to time) Then Facebook, no I still refuse to use facebook. Youtube? Unless I use copy written material, which now may or may not be legal depending on the law they presently want to pass online)can I really get my message across to people willing to listen? How do I get your attention? I have this blog, should I get another web page? Publish the first chapter of my novel to get more interest?
I could always go around to libraries and hand off free copies of my book with hopes of people picking them up and spreading the word, but that is a hope and there are books I have seen on the shelves of my local library I don't think have ever been touched. I don't want to see that as my own, not to mention that I'm horribly self conscious that my novel is not up to par, material/editing wise, with sponsored publications.

2)What should I chose as cover art?
I know. Never judge a book by its cover, but the cover still stands as a visual testament to what the story pertains to. Do I draw my own cover art, commission someone? And then what do I chose? Do I go for simplistic (i.e. A pair of watchful eyes; a pattern described on a semi-important object); A setting of some sort like a bland yet mentioned landscape, or something like my original cover design (partially seen in my banner); Just feature a character(s); Or a scene of action from the body of the story itself & if so which scene? You don't want to give away too much.
There are so many choices to choose from.

3) what if my editing isn't up to par?
Do I add an authors note apologising for any mistakes one may find grammatically or otherwise?

There is still so much to think about, concerns to be had and work to be done & I don't even know where to begin. But I hope with the new coming year that I will come to a decision, especially with so much being changed in the lit world (real books VS e-books & the massive closure of book stores) I feel my options dwindling.

But as I keep finding stories like this online:
Perhaps it is in my best interest to just self publish.

In other news:
The other day I was playing around with the web site Written, Kitten! which rewards you with a "kitten" (aka a picture of a kitty)each time you type/write 100 words on their page. Curious I began randomly typing and this is what I came up with. Its nonsense of course, but perhaps something interesting to read, and like all rough draft ideas I come up with, it begins as one big run on sentence.
(surprisingly the web site saves your work so each time you go back -so far- what you have written is still there, however without a kitten. I think I may have gotten up to four or five kittens)

"Well there we were, that's all it was, but in the end when we really think about it, it was just that, it was a whole lot more. Not just a little bit but a story that could have filled another two life times each. But we'll get back to that, the end, after I return you to the beginning. The beginning when things were so easy they were hard, before hard was so hard it was the next thing before death. The time where youth was innocent and age was wise. Where the air was clean, water ran and stomach were filled with food, delectable sweets and seasoned meats. But that was before the sky fell. Before the air turned to haze, the water ran dry and the food soured... Before the innocent had to wisen up before their years; the wise went before their time, and hope wavered that tomorrow would be another day. There are no roads left for us to take, no shelters left for us to make. We were left on our own with none to turn to but each other as we were found, battered, scared and lost without a future, without hope. If I think back, far back to where it all seems like a lost dream I can remember the past. I used to push back all the time as my tears warmed my face on cold, lonely, fearful nights but now I don't push, I don't think, I don't want to know because that past, that dream is what makes a nightmare of our present. Many call this "new beginning" a gift. This is our world and there was no other and though I know better, I believe it because the end of the world is no place for dreams, its just a place for renewal for those left behind, striving for life. We believed that. We believed it because there was nothing else, no sun to look up to, no grass or bug to look down upon. Not that this belief filled our stomachs or cured our pains, or gave us back what no longer was. It just gave us something to think about, something to fill our minds when it came to the silence, the vast and emotional emptiness left in the wake of the fall. Yet it wasn't the ideal that gave us strength to go on. No, it was the voices who chanted it, the determined faces of those who held it firm and true, the voices that silenced after the Second Fall, where our numbers decreased and new life came to those without it. This was life. Life for us, death for them. This was the world over and there was no turning back. Just sluggishly moving forward, side by side, weapon in hand and one goal in mind. Survive. -..."

Ps: A little numerical history- Make a wish.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Lights Out

((Ever seen a cloud with a shadow... in the sky? I know I haven't... Until now, of course. Took the photo myself, it is in no way photoshoped, I assure you.))

Sorry folks. I've been having trouble posting to Blogger lately so entries I meant to post, never made it up. Honestly I'm kinda glad 'cause while I found some comedy in my time spent in the dark after Hurricane Irene, I find myself lucky & have nothing to complain about when it come to others whose homes have been destroyed by recent floods, tornadoes, and fires.

So in short- My power went off after Irene blew through and stayed off for an entire week, for unknown reasons. It took a crew from Iowa & North Carolina to get us back online and I am thankful for lights and a good hot shower.

((This was the only real damage in my neighborhood, thankfully no one was hurt, but there is still some cleanup to be finished))

Otherwise nothing has really been going on. Novel progress is going at a snails pace still, but I'm trying not to get discouraged... Luckily there are people out there who are supportive and its little gestures like this that make my day and keep me working:


Thanks Sinsyne. (To see more of her art go here)

Oh yes, and I've decided not to post about my research trip because honestly... I don't have much to say. So, I'll share some of my photos instead (some random and some that may hint towards events in Volume 2, if I ever get to it)
Sorry the pictures are kind of all over the place I'm still not sure how to get them to line up accordingly.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chapter Titles; Alternate Universes; Allegories & More

((This is still how I'm feeling, take it as you will...))
((Note- The picture was taken by me and this hatchling's momma was not happy to have me standing beneath her baby taking pictures >_<))

Slowly but surely I'm coming off my hiatus though I'm still not feeling 100% with my writing. While I've gotten past the area that had been irking me so badly, I still find myself with lacking support and with more questions than I do answers, which could put me at ease. As troubling as it all might be, I've had some time to think and while I don't plan on giving my chapters titles, I'd have to say this latest chapter (which is three shortened to one) would/should be called "Cursed". It's an ironic yet good fit.

The only other chapter that I have given a "title" to takes place earlier on in the story & introduces one of the secondary main characters. Just always felt "The Wolf in Woman's Clothing" was a very apropos, if not comical name for it, if one needed to be given. But that's me. ^_^'''

Another thought that bided my time over this hiatus (and even a few before it) was: "What would my characters be like if they were placed in another setting/ an alternate universe?"
The responce to this question comes in many forms. While the real story takes place in a Medieval/Renaissance styled era, my characters have found themselves put in settings that vary from anime/school life/slice of life (a few times with a bit of magic); an alien invasion (on earth); a western; to even modern day (or something like it), where I realised how easily my novel can be an allegory for such things as the military and medicare, if I really put some thought into it. I won't, however, for several reasons including the fact that I just don't want to go there. I have my plans/ ideas and I'm sticking to them. mmyup. Keeping it more light-hearted that way.
None the less its always interesting to see what positions my characters take in these settings and how they react to their given circumstances.
((There was a doodle I was going to post of one of my chars dressed in military fatigues here but the scanner I borrowed no longer wants to scan and digital imaging with a camera is not an option... oooh the horrid blurr & shadows >_< so maybe another time... maybe))

Otherwise that's how things are standing, I guess. It's been suggested to me that I should really start looking into self publishing but at the moment I think I'm a little too self conscious for that.
In due time however I'm sure I'll come around...

Just gotta keep editing; figure out the best title for the novel(s); decide if the first book will remain as a whole rather than be split in two; and choose what the cover art will be (something simple or something more complex/detailed)

Any ideas?

oh and maybe work on the tag/synopsis/ pitch a little more.

Till next time folks...

(P.S. if any previous posts have disapeared... I'm having issues with Blogger right now)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The War Within- Hiatus

I think I'll be going on Hiatus for a little while. Things havn't been improving much and just when I thought things were starting to look up... I took a nose dive right back into the depth I had just risen from.

As a creative soul its not uncommon to have these feelings where one moment you're so inspired you may burst with ideas & then the next day, week, month you reach a low point where your muse abandons you, leaving you dry while sinking into the depths of despair, frustration, what have you...

So while for a while I was trudging along like this:

I can't help but now feel this: ((in the sense that I want to give up but I just can't bring myself to do it))

its not that I'm stuck or throwing the whole novel away... its just I've lost the motivation to move on. Suddenly the one thing that meant something to me, seems pointless... so until I find reason and/or purpous... I can't bring myself to half ass my work... and frankly... I don't know what I'm going to do

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Learn from my mistakes...

((Unfortunately I don't have much to show for myself lately but to keep up with posting at least one pic a post- Meet Erin McNafferty. A character I created with Smoludozerka from DeviantArt & the web comic Demonade for part of a "Lets Create a Story Contest" in which we were given a plot and had to create a character based on the 6 types given. She made up what our character looked like and drew him up while I created his back story. For more information go here. Sadly this will be all anyone will probably see of Erin, but it was fun while it lasted & we did get second place ^_^''))

Okay. I know it's been a long while since my last post but to be honest things have not been well for me. I wont go into personal particulars but I will go into the computer problems I've been faced with recently with hopes that I can help someone avoid the same issues in the future.

Firstly my computer, though not all that old, is starting to go. I've had to replace the back light at least three times but now the problem is with the battery. I'm waiting on a replacement but there is no guarantee on how long that one will last me.

Secondly- I had the misfortune to experience loosing an entire days worth of editing when I accidentally saved over my files with an older file from my flash drive. Sadly I was not able to recover my lost work but I did learn how to set up a backup for my Word Files. Apparently this can help if something like that should ever, forbid it to ever, happen again.
If you go into Word, click on the Tools tab and scroll down and click on Options. In options click the Save tab and make sure the "Always Create Backup Copy" button is checked. That way every time you save, the file gets backed up and you even get a few extra saves that linger until the program is closed. I don't know how well it really works and I hope I never have to find out, but its always good to have an extra safety, just in case. (this is for Microsoft office word 2003) for 2007 you can probably find something usefull here

Loosing that work was a real setback for my novel but I managed to trudge on, only to find myself stuck again when I decided to sum up three chapters into one. I'm still trying to work but due to circumstances, it hasn't been easy sailing and I've been getting really frustrated. It doesn't help much either that I don't have much of a support team rooting me on... Can't even find someone to give me an opinion on my re-edited pitch *sigh* but that's another story for another time.

Back to computers!

I must warn anyone reading this of anther virus going around. At first it seems innocent enough, pops up like a normal virus scan but it will really mess you up, especially if you let it linger too long. Microsoft Recover. Looks legit but its not. For one relative it wiped out all his files. For another it was a big inconvenience and kept him from getting work done. For me... it was just a pain. Aside from trying to download random files it hid all the ones I already had and made me believe they had all been deleted though they were just made "invisible". For my brother, since we knew what it was the moment his background picture went missing we were able to capture and remove it before it could do any harm. (malwarebites might be a helpful program to get rid of this sort of pesky virus)

So dear readers learn from my mistakes- Always back up your files on and off your computer. Even save it twice if you must (a normal copy and a second under a different name)on and off your computer for extra safety. And always make sure your computer's virus scans are up to date and running, always seeking out threats and keeping you from accidentally opening malware disguised as something else.

well that's all from me for now.

ps- sent a co-worker who's kid really loves the Warriors series to a book signing with the cheif writer of the series (Sorry I don't know her name since the books are a collaboration of different minds under one name- Erin Hunter)because I thought her kid would have a blast. Apparently it was a great time had by all and she said she'd never seen her kid smile as much as she did that evening. So thank you Cheif Warriors writer for visiting us and making so many children's day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A little Fun

Once again I wish I had some really great news to report but after months of planning a exciting trip overseas, my plans seem to have fallen through. I am disappointed but not as much as the last time I attempted to set this trip. That time hurt like a spear through the heart. This time I saw the signs telling me it wasn't meant to be, not yet anyway, and though I'd still like to go, I know now is not the time. None the less I do have one more trip up my sleeve, a research trip for a future chapter(s) of my novel series. More on that another time.

Today I'm going to do something unusual, a few Shout Outs starting with the lovely duo: Melissa & Brittany Ann Zayas of the web serial:
Three of Swords
I wanted to first thank them for the lovely drawing featured above. I love it!
Secondly I wanted to commend them for their wonderful story. Set in the late 19th century, each chapter is full of mystery, magic and intrigue and written so that you feel as though you are within the time period, not to forget the fabulous illustrations, drawn with such style that they accentuate the feeling that you are indeed within the century presented. While its not 100% appropriate for all ages due to sexual situations and violence, I would still recommend anyone interested to take a stop on by the Three of Swords!

Next is for a new friend who goes by the name Smoludozerka. Recently she began a web comic:

While there isn't much up to go on yet I still look forward to finding out what she has planned for Demonade. The comic can also be found in polish here and more of her art can be found here
Together we created this nonsense. I've never done a Meme before but I think things worked out. (My part is to the right, hers to the left. My comp died so most of it had to be hand drawn and scanned in) And in case you were wondering, here's a little more on one of the main characters from "Journey"

Otherwise there really isn't much else going on. I'm still working on editing but have also been working on a few other side projects, including working on that pile of books I need to read >_< haha.

Till next time folks!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Enter Title Here

((Ah, spring is in the air... despite the forecast for snow tomorrow, after a day of 60+ deg.F weather, there is no turning back till the end of the new year.))

I honestly must admit that this is an impromptu blog post. I have nothing really special to write about though I have a few minor topics now on my mind.

I recently had a phone consultation with one of the Book DR's from Pitchapalooza which I feel went fairly well. I got some good insight and help on how to spruce up my pitch letter, but work on that can wait till after I've fixed up the novel itself. The biggest item which had been pointed out was characterization of my main "villain". He seems to be too vague at the moment but since he doesn't make an appearance for a while yet I still have some time to figure what makes him more of a man than a mere figure head.

Otherwise editing is going slow. While planning ahead for the future of my novel excites me, where I am now in editing leaves me at a loss. Due to changes I've made I found myself stuck within ch 29 with no where to turn and in my mess I discovered that things I had been surrounding myself with had been harming my cause rather than helping. Troubles at work, marathoning a mind numbing tv show and reading a book I was not enjoying are and were a recipe for disaster. But now that I have finished that show and picked up something I enjoy reading more, editing has come a little easier and things are finally piecing back together after being so horribly broken.

I think at this pace I may finish ch 29 by the end of the week. *crosses fingers*
And then the fun stuff will finally begin!

Now for something random/ a sample of my writing (which may or may not get edited in the future).
Often I have very odd but interesting dreams. When that happens I usually write them down for use in future stories. Last night however I had a dream in which I could never use due to the fact it was based on a copyrighted idea. I have no idea why Sherlock Holmes would grace my waking dreams but that was how it was. (Thus the reason I woke with an urge to watch Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes as noted on my twitter.)

The dream went a little something like this: (the woman had no name)

London, year 18XX

Earlier that morning Watson and Holmes had gotten into a tiff of sorts that resulted in the team making a bet that for just one day, a full 24 hours, Holmes wouldn't be so "Holmes-y". That he would just for once try to be average and not so... above average. Of course Holmes denied such a claim. If anything he breathed, dressed, ate and drank like the best of the average blokes out in the dingy London streets but to humor Watson he accepted his companions wager and was left to his means.
Things were easy going at first for being alone in his loft was easy enough. He slept, smoke, read the paper and then she showed up.
Lead in by the landlady she was dressed in the finest, her dress a purple hue and her brown hair done up in a bun with ringlets framing her face.
"Sherlock Holmes I presume..." She spoke as a school teacher would a child and slowly Holmes lifted himself up from his lounge as she continued. "Your name comes to me with great recommendation, from a great many." She stepped further into the room from the doorway, her gaze remained steadfast and unconvinced as she gazed upon him and his mess of living space.
"Does it..." Holmes replied, eyeing her, picking out bits and pieces of her person from how she adorned and addressed herself physically. Make up, wedding ring, broach, hair, strict stance with feet pointed straight ahead, everything pointed to something.
"Indeed." She replied. "I believe I may have a case for you... however..." She turned each cheek before returning her skeptical gaze back to Holmes. "I remain unconvinced of the claims surrounding your name and your powers of deduction."
"I assure you Misses..." He began, halting as a sly smirk crossed her lips and Watson's words echoed in his mind.
'Be Average'
"One slip" He thought "Surely that can be overlooked."
"Misses? Why Mr. Holmes I have not yet introduced myself. Do I appear so matronly that you would immediately assume that I am wed?"
Holmes eyed her and held his tongue.
"Well... I..." He stammered, glancing aside with a grimace. "How a lovely creature such as yourself could not be..."
Again the woman seemed unamused by what she witnessed and pressed on so as not to waste either or their time.
"Either way, Mr. Holmes, and you were correct in your assumption that I am indeed wed, I have brought with me evidence from my case..." From a bag held firmly at her side she pulled out a porcelain plate, french in style with a form and shape that could only be dated from XXXX by the late artist XXXX. The piece was fascinating, incredible and quickly Holmes' eyes were drawn to the intricate details; cracks in the glaze, the color and intricate line of the design along the border, the imagery within the center of a female field worker in a blue dress. How she could so frivolously pull such a piece from a bag as if it were nothing more than a baguette bought at the corner bakers shop, he could just barely deduce, just barely. This piece meant little to her but why and what its significance...
"Mr. Holmes!" Her voice rang loudly and swiftly he looked up to her realizing he'd nearly lost himself again. Drooling over an artifact as a common man might over the buxom bosom of a street walker, yet his interest seemed to have caught her in the right way and she forgave him by asking "What do you deduce from this piece."
Again his eyes strayed and just as he was ready to speak of money, import and business Watson's words caught him in a net or triviality. Dare he prove himself and gain a case, loosing him his bet or dare he do the unthinkable and play the average man's game, giving in to petty pride while loosing both an intriguing case and another commendation. There had to be a way around it.
"What-do-you-see, Mr. Holmes?" Her patience were running thin and as Watson's words again rung in his mind, he spoke as he felt an average man, like Watson, might speak.
"What I see is a woman in a blue dress."

-and that's where the dream ended-

Ok, yes I did add a little there and yes it is quite lame (When I told someone of the dream they just stared at me blankly) but it was a fun scenario, so I went with it ^_^'' None the less I think I will leave anything to do with Sherlock Holmes to the proper professionals...

Now time for sleep because I'm already half way there!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Belated New Year

((It took me a while to come up with a holiday picture because of the varying religious beliefs of my characters. So I decided to settled for something neutral. The majority of characters in my novel are some kind of Catholic/Christian but there are many who also believe in different things/nothing at all so to be fair I went with a "warm wishes for a grand new year" type image. There are a few things off with the pic, especially with the colors but I'll over look them for now. Still getting the hang of photoshop >_< If you notice that one of the main chars is missing it's because he's probably at the local pub ringing in the winter solstice with everyone else trying to warm up with a pint. Yup that's my story and I'm sticking with it... I totally didn't forget about him, nooo.. ^_^''))

Hello all and welcome to the year 2011! As I begin to type this post it has begun to snow. The third time of the new year and it is expected to be quite a doozy of a coming storm, but right now its just a light fall, glassy, like sprinkled sugar crystals.

The reason this post is so late is because I was waiting on Good news to share. Unfortunately because I was expecting it, it never came and now I'm stuck with very little to post. I guess because there is no news there is still hope for good but its been over a month so... I'm not holding my breath, sadly. (In my case no news is just as well off as bad news, if not worse because it leaves unanswered questions mounting.)

So I'll leave off with wishing everyone a grand new year. I hope all your holidays were swell and....

Lookit' the holiday gifts I got! My first JBTM fan art(s)!
(Click on the names to see more art by these fabulous artists!)

1)Gaillen by GalidorTheDragon
2)Morjin and the Monk by RoyalHeather
3)A Very JBTM XMAS by Arugaisou